Newsletter #14

Newsletter #14

February 2023
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This is the newest newsletter of COST Action Glioma MR Imaging 2.0.

First of all, we would like to wish you a happy 2023!

In this newsletter we will highlight two past GliMR events that many of you attended: the AI Training School in Dublin, Ireland, and the 2022 Annual Meeting in Kuşadasi, Turkey. There are also some exciting news regarding our next annual meeting. 

Additionally, we would like to remind our members that there are several funding opportunities available for this grant period. You can get some inspiration for your research proposal by reading Phillip and Buse’s experiences with their STSM and ITC grants, respectively.

We also need your help to ensure GliMR’s future. Do not forget to follow GliMR’s updates on Linkedin and Facebook (more details below).

If you have any updates that you would like to share with GliMR, please email WG5.


GliMR Annual Meeting

GliMR’s 2022 Annual Meeting occurred on 28 to 30 September 2022 in Kuşadası, Turkey. More than 70 members gathered together to discuss the latest developments in glioma MR research.

Now, you can relive this meeting on our website (presentations to be added in the next few weeks)!

GliMR Training School

“Artificial Intelligence in Neuro-oncology”

GliMR successfully hosted its first training school in Dublin, Ireland, on 25 – 27 July 2022.

We would like to thank all participants and the organising committee for a fantastic event!

Relive the event on our webpage, presentations will be added in the next few weeks!


4th GliMR Annual Meeting 2023
Past, pre
sent and future


3-5 May 2023
Porto, Portugal


Disseminate GliMR

Do you want to help us get GliMR in the picture in your community or on your conference?

We can help you achieve that! Apply for one of the GliMR dissemination grants via glimr.cost.applications@gmail.com

STSM & ITC Grants

Don’t forget to apply for a STSM or an ITC Grant! 
More information: https://glimr.eu/grants/



Phillip investigated the use of independent component analysis of resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging data in the mapping of cortical areas involved in language in glioma patients. Usually, task based fMRI is employed to generate cortical maps for use in the planning of tumor resection surgery. However, Patients who already suffer heavy impairments in language due to tumor growth are at times unable to execute the necessary tasks during fMRI examination. If resting state fMRI, which does not require active contribution from the patient, can serve as an alternative, more patients who suffer tumor related functional impairment can benefit from fMRI assisted surgical planning.



My name is Buse Buz-Yalug, I am a PhD candidate at Bogazici University in Istanbul. I am currently working as a research assistant at Computational Imaging Lab at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and my research area focuses on classification of neuroimagong biomarkers of glioma using DSC-MRI and deep learning techniques. I had the opportunity to participate in the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting at London this year. I presented my work entitled “Differentiation of IDH and TERTp Mutations in Gliomas Using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI with Machine Learning at 3T” on-site and had the oportunity to meet my colleuges in the same area, thanks to ITC conference grant. It was invaluable to me!


In November, GliMR started its fourth and final work year. The previous years have resulted in an amazing network of more than 150 members, many publications, several STSM’s, and a video.

But we feel that GliMR is not ready yet! 

There are still many ideas to set up new collaborations, write publications, set up projects and develop tools for our researchers and clinicians. GliMR needs to live on!

Do you have ideas on how GliMR can proceed, how we can finance our network, and in which organization we can embed, let us know!

The Webinar Team needs you!

On behalf of the (new) Webinar Team, we would like to invite GLiMR members and all interested peers to let us know their opinions on planned Webinar content. 

Broadly, the plan is to offer ‘clinical need’ and/or ‘technical progress’ oriented scientific sessions in a format that buddies up scientist and clinical speakers to enhance understanding and communication across disciplines.

Each GliMR Webinar would aim to showcase key challenges and next steps in the context of current evidence, with an informal development plan and a group discussion. 

The Webinar Team here asks everyone to share into the process by generating the best Webinar topics! Please help by emailing WG5 (glimr.cost.wg5@gmail.com) with the following: 

1. Your profession and research interest.
2. What Webinar topic(s) would you most like to hear about? This could be any clinical scenario, modality, analysis method or logistic item.
3. What are key unresolved questions, hurdles, dilemmas in your current research and/or clinical practice? 
4. Name one or more future milestone in glioma research and/or clinical care.


Thanks very much in advance for your interest.
GLiMR Webinars will be advertised on the main website and via the next Annual Meeting.

Need an image? We can help!

GliMR’s WG5 has a new visuals team ready to help with research infographics!🧠🖥️  

Do you have any ideas, suggestions or eventual requests we could help out with? Send us a message!


Expert in spectroscopy? BIDS needs you!

Currently, the BIDS extension for spectroscopy is in development. As there are no spectroscopy experts within the BIDS maintainers and steering committee, they are looking for spectroscopy experts to help with developing this extension.

So, are you an MRI spectroscopy expert and interested in helping out the BIDS community, take a look at the BEP proposal and post your comments via Github.

Want to know more? Contact WG5!


Since last year, COST is not funded by the Horizon Europe any more, but by the European Union. Therefore, we need to use the new logo (below) when acknowledging COST, besides the COST logo.

If you are unsure how to acknowledge COST and GliMR correctly in your papers or presentations, you can find all instructions in our dissemination guidelines.


Rui Duarte


Rui is a medical doctor close to finishing his neuroradiology residency at Hospital Beatriz Ângelo in Lisbon, Portugal. He was a visiting researcher at the Department of Radiology at Stanford University and has collaborated with Greg Zaharchuk’s group since. His main research focus is the clinical implementation of advanced neuroimaging techniques that can help in the diagnosis and management of patients with cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumors, with specific projects involving ASL perfusion, rs-fMRI, and applied artificial intelligence techniques. 

He is a member of the European Society of Neuroradiology and was one of the organizers of the Juniors_connected initiative at their annual meeting in 2022. He has also been appointed a member of the Trainee Committee of the American Society of Functional Neuroradiology for 2022-2023.

Follow us on our social media

GliMR keeps investing in connecting our members, also through social media. Do you want to stay up to date? Follow us, now also on Linkedin and Facebook.

You can now follow GliMR on Linkedin:


You can now follow GliMR on Facebook:

Let’s stay in touch via Whatsapp

Join the Whatsapp group ‘GliMR – The one and only’









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