This was our Training School in Dublin

This was our Training School in Dublin

Thank you for attending our training school in Dublin!

From 25 to 27 July 2022, GliMR held its first Training School ‘Artificial Intelligence in Neuro-Oncology’ in Dublin!

Relive this fantastic event here!

Relive the atmosphere

Relive the presentations

Monday 25 July 2022

Introduction, Medical Imaging, Radiomics, Genomics, Machine Learning

IntroductionDr. Saritha Unnikrishnan (IRL)
Welcome SpeechProf Aoife Ahern (IRL)PDFVIDEO
Genomics – Integrating genomics into neuro-
Dr. Esin Ozturk Isik (TR)PDF
Advanced MRI modalities & its applications in
Glioma diagnosis
Prof. Yelda Ozsunar (TR)PDF
Coffee break
Radiogenomics: Molecular subtype prediction with
Deep Learning in Glioma (lecture)
Golestan Karami (UK)PDF
Lunch break
Radiogenomics applied (Hands-on) – PyradiomicsEsra Sumer (TR)
Radiomics in Neuro OncologyDr. Jim O Doherty (US)PDF
Coffee Break
The perfect storm for XAI: Digital Twins, AI and
visual analytics
Prof. Oscar Camara (SP)PDF

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (Advanced)

The ABCDE of glioma neuroradiology: AI, biomarkers and the Clinic and Don’t forget ExplainabilityDr. Thomas Booth (UK)PDFVIDEO
MONAI Architecture and its applications in brain imaging diagnosis Dr. Jorge Cardoso (UK)PDFVIDEO
Coffee breakPDFVIDEO
Brain Tumor Classification & saliency maps (Hands-on MONAI)Dr Richard Brown (UK), Dr Aaron Kujawa (UK), Alysha Chelliah (UK),PDFVIDEO
Lunch break
Importance of Explainable AI in Clinical Translation: Background and implementation in MRI, Implementation and demonstration in Digital PathologyMatthew Grech-Sollars
(UK) & An Truong (UK)
Designing inclusive AI, trust and ethicsSuzan Slijpen (NL)PDFVIDEO
Coffee break
Data Governance & PrivacyUlrike Kolch (IRL)PDFVIDEO

Wednesday 27 July 2022

Industry talk/demonstration and Panel Discussion

Brain tumour segmentation (Hands-on MONAI)Dr Richard Brown (UK), Dr Aaron Kujawa (UK), Alysha Chelliah (UK),PDFVIDEO
GE: A general introduction to MR-AI clinical
Carolin Pirkl; Sandeep Kaushik (GE, DE)PDFVIDEO
Fast quantitative MRI with DL for 3D whole-brain T1,
T2, and proton density mapping in clinical glioma MRI
30 mins
Carolin Pirkl
PseudoCT DL image synthesis from ZTE-MRI for
applications in MR-only Radiation Therapy planning,
MR bone imaging, and PET/MR attenuation correction
30 mins
Sandeep Kaushik
Coffee break
Philips’ perspective on AI in neuro imaging: from
speeding up acquisitions to clinical decision
Dr. Kim van De Ven (NL)
Lunch break
Panel discussion (Clinical Translation of AI):
industry, radiologists, clinicians, MRI Physicists, AI Engineers, Scientists; Moderator: Dr. Kathleen Curran
Amied Shadmaan, Carolin Pirkl, Dr. Kim van de Ven, Dr. Thomas Booth and Prof. Oscar Camara
SiemensJim O’ Doherty (US)
Concluding RemarksOrganizing Committee (John, Saritha and Kathleen) (IRL)

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