Working Groups
In GliMR, we aim to achieve our goals by collaboration within and across five working groups:
Working Group 1 focusses on coordinating the identification and quantification of advanced MRI biomarkers for the application in the field of glioma.
Working Group 2 coordinates multi-site data integration and enables the creation of large datasets in glioma diagnostics via the creation of common GDPR- and BIDS-compliant forms and data structures.
Working Group 3 focusses on fostering cross-border information exchange about past and current clinical trials and studies of glioma.
Working Group 4 ensures representation of all relevant stakeholders within GliMR and acts as liaison from GliMR to all relevant stakeholders.
Working Group 5 disseminates the Action’s goals and results in tailored manners to all relevant stakeholders.
Latest News
A letter from our Chair Dear GliMR Member, We are very happy that we are now able to structure our GliMR working group of the ESMRMB. It is a time of transition for us as GliMR, where we are...