WG1 – Advanced MRI biomarkers for glioma characterisation

WG1 – Advanced MRI biomarkers for glioma characterisation
Work group 1 focusses on coordinating the identification and quantification of advanced MRI biomarkers for the application in the field of glioma, via the harmonisation of imaging protocols, and the standardisation of analysis pipelines in an open-access manner.

It will do so by reviewing state-of-the-art literature to identify the most pertinent existing, advanced MRI biomarkers for detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of glioma, and by combining emerging analysis pipelines. The resulting tool will be distributed on open-access platforms (e.g. on GitHub). Special attention will be given to identify existing gaps in the discovery of gliomas biomarkers.

 Specific aims:

  • Enable knowledge sharing by reviewing the existing MRI techniques, methods combining these techniques, and data analysis methods to obtain advanced MRI biomarkers;
  • Promote best practice among pan-European research institutes by creating an open-access analysis pipeline for the quantification of advanced MRI biomarkers for glioma. 
Working Group Leaders:
Dr. Gilbert Hangel (Leader) Dr. Kyrre Emblem (Vice-Leader)
If you would like to join WG1 or have any further questions, please contact glimr.cost.wg1@gmail.com.