VNT Awardees
VNT Awardees
If you have been awarded an VNT Grant, please make sure to acknowledge GliMR and COST in your presentation, following these guidelines.

Dr Ruben Nechifor
It was a great pleasure and honor for me to be able to obtain this Virtual Mobility grant, because it allowed me to develop the ability to run various diffusion MRI simulations and analysis in-house. Attending this specific training through this Virtual Mobility Grant I also established a strong connection with an expert in the field, with whom I am now writing a paper related with diffusion MRI data analysis.
Affiliation: International Institute for Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health (Cluj-Napoca)
Host: Institute for Systems and Robotics and Department of Bioengineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
For further information regarding VNT’s, contact GliMR VNTcoordinator, Ruben Nechifor at