This was our Annual Meeting 2022 in Turkey

This was our Annual Meeting 2022 in Turkey

Thank you for attending our annual meeting in Turkey!

From 28 to 30 September 2022, GliMR held its 3rd Annual Meeting in Kuşadasi, Turkey!

Relive this fantastic event here!

Relive the atmosphere

Relive the presentations

Wednesday 28 September 2022 – Potpourri of glioma science

WelcomeDr. Esin Ozturk Isik (TR)
Dr. Vera Keil (NL)
WHO 2021 Classification of Brain TumoursDr. Ayca Ersen Danyeli (TR)PDFVIDEO
Advanced MR Imaging of Genetics in Adult GliomasDr. Stephanie Thust (UK)PDF
Imaging of Paediatric optic pathway gliomasDr. Shivaram Avula (UK)PDF
Coffee break
Educational session
Pearls of Dublin I:
Integrating genetic data into Neuro-Oncology
Dr. Esin Ozturk Isik (TR)PDF
Scientific oral session
Radiogenomics and imaging biomarker studies
Members via abstract submissionPDF
Lunch break
Glioma Animal Models: an overviewProf. Dr. Robrecht Raedt (BE)PDF
Preclinical diffusion and perfusion imaging in glioma modelsProf. Dr. Harish Poptani (UK)PDF
Validating multiparametric MRI signatures of the glioma TME by optical imagingDr. Michael Breckwoldt (GE)PDF
Coffee break
Translational MRSIDr. Rui V. Somões (PT)PDF
Translational CEST MRIDr. Verena Hörr (GE)PDF
Brainstorming session: 
Building bridges between preclinical and clinical glioma imaging
Speakers and membersPDF
Brainstorm session
WG1 review
Dr. Gilbert Hangel (GE)

Thursday 29 September 2022 – Day of data

Time (GMT+3)Session
09.00h – 09.45hIntellectual propertyErdem Kaya (TR)PDFVIDEO
09.45h – 10.30hData curation Dr. Sebastian van der Voort (NL) (virtual)PDFVIDEO
10.30h – 11.00hCoffee breakPDFVIDEO
11.00h- 11.45hEducational
GDPR – What to do when you realised that shipping a USB is not a clever plan?
Prof. Nils Broeckx (BE) (virtual)PDFVIDEO
11.45h – 12.15hExpert panel discussion: Networking obstacles and chances
Dr. Sebastian van der Voort (NL); Erdem Kaya; Prof. Nils Broekx (BE); Dr. Robert Oostenveld (NL); Dr. Remi Gau (BE)
12.15h – 13.00hScientific oral session
Data management and knowledge transfer
Members via abstract submissionPDFVIDEO
13.00h – 14.30hLunch break
14.30h – 15.15hCase-based Anatomy and Physiology for non-physiciansDr. Vera Keil (NL)PDFVIDEO
15.15h – 15.45hBrainstorm session
GliMR’s future
15.45h – 16.15hCoffee break
16.15h – 16.45hConnecting to BIDS initiatives Dr. Robert Oostenveld (NL)PDFVIDEO
16.45h – 17.30hCommunity building 
GitHub workshop
18.00hGliMR’s 3rd Treasure Hunt at Pine Bay

Friday 30 September 2022 – GliMR Festival

Time (GMT+3)Session
09.00h – 09.05hOpen presentations of glioma processing pipelines and softwaresMembersPDFVIDEO
09.05h – 09.15hOSIPI – Software Inventories and ContributionsDr. Jan Petr (GE)PDFVIDEO
09.15h – 09.25hMRSHubDr. Gilbert Hangel (AT)PDFVIDEO
09.25h – 10.25hSoftware and pipeline presentationsMembershipPDFVIDEO
10.25h – 10.30hBrainstorm – Pipeline Inventory ProjectDr. Patricia Clement (BE)
Dr. Gilbert Hangel (AT)
10.30h – 11.00hCoffee break
11.00h – 12.15hSpeed dating in memory of GLINDER:
Project finds data finds researcher
Registration during the conference!
12.15h – 13.00hMonitoring biomarkers – a summary of the published GliMR position statement & a workshop to kickstart GliMR guidelinesDr. Thomas Booth (UK)PDFVIDEO
13.00h – 13.30hClosing and awards ceremony
13.00h – 15.00hLunch break
15.00h – 17.00hManagement Committee (MC) Meeting

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