Newsletter #9

Newsletter #9

September 2021
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Welcome to the newest newsletter of COST Action Glioma MR Imaging 2.0     

We hope you enjoyed your holidays and were able to catch some sunlight.

In this latest newsletter, we are proud to announce our next event: the first hybrid networking event. This will be held in Brno AND virtually on September 28th. We are looking forward to seeing you all again on-site or online. But don’t forget to register (see below)!  Additionally, we have some news about GliMR’s first webinar, a call from WG1, calls for STSM and VNT grants, and job opportunities.

Once again, if you have any updates that you would like to share with other members, please do let us know. Stay safe!

Hybrid Networking Event
GliMR is holding its first Hybrid Networking Event on September 28, 2021. This event will take place in Brno (Czech Republic), but also virtually.
Join us to follow workshops on BIDS and segmentation, learn more about our ongoing projects ‘animation video’ and ‘GLINDR’, and provide your input during our MC meeting.
Want to join on-site? Register here before September 9, 2021 – FINAL CALL
Want to join virtually? Register here before September 23, 2021

If joining on-site, due to current COVID-uncertainties, GliMR advises you to book transport ONLY in case this includes a 100% cancellation policy. GliMR cannot reimburse any cancellation-related expenses. If a 100% cancelation policy is not possible, wait for further communication. In case you are registered to join on-site AND encounter difficulties regarding traveling, please get in touch via glimr.cost.wg5@gmail.com. GliMR will arrange accommodation, about which more information will follow soon. 
Follow all news about this event on our website.

Our brand new ‘Webinar Team’ will host a first webinar during our ‘Hybrid Networking Event’. During this webinar, several of our members will present their results, presented during recent (virtual) conferences.

Make sure you don’t miss out!
Call for team members
‘Project Pipeline Inventory’

One of the goals of GliMR is to develop an inventory of analysis pipelines. Therefore, WG1 is searching for members interested in joining this team.

“Within this project, we aim to review all existing analysis pipelines, allowing the quantification of advanced MRI biomarkers for glioma, using literature and questionnaires. Additionally, collaboration with the Open Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI) will be set up.”
Are you interested to join this team, contact WG1.

Reminder STSM and VNT call

Final Call for STSM and VNT grants of GP2!

Short Term Scientific Mission grants
Do you want to travel to another lab to learn a new technique, analysis method, set-up a study and start a new collaboration? Apply for our Short Term Scientific Mission grants. More information can be found here.
Virtual Networking Tool grants – NEW
Unable to travel? Not comfortable with visiting a lab abroad due to COVID? GliMR now offers an alternative! Set up new, virtual collaborations, learn from each other’s experiences from a distance, start a new multicenter trial using online tools, or even organize online courses and workshops. Make sure to take a look at many more options – and how to apply – on our website!

Beware that all STSM and VNT projects of GP2 need to be finished administratively by October 31st, 2021. A new STSM for GP3 will follow soon. However, VNT is currently in pilot phase so there are no guarantees for GP3. For more information, contact out STSM coordinator.

Post-doc positions in Valencia

Are you an academic or researcher with 2 years of postdoc experience and you want to make a research stay in the BDSLAb (Valencia)? Maria Zambrano actions are OPEN!
The ITACA-BDSLab has expertise in machine learning, decision support systems, data quality and variability, medical imaging and predictive modelling. If you are interested in applying, take a look at this job opening!
From now on, job openings have a separate section on our website, which you can find here. If you have a job opening you would like to share, don’t hesitate to contact WG5.

Researchers of the Month

Congratulations to our Researchers of the Month: Team Webinar
Don’t forget to nominate one of our colleagues for researcher of the month!
In our last newsletter, a call was posted for members interested in joining ‘Team Webinar’. Meet the team: Krishnapriya Venugopal, Bárbara Abecassis, Hamail Ayaz, Irene Brumer, and Yulun Wu.

I am Krishnapriya Venugopal, a PhD Researcher in the Department of Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I work under the supervision of Dr. Juan . A. H. Tamames, Dr. Dirk Poot, Dr. Esther Warnert, Dr. Marion Smits from Erasmus MC and Dr. M.J.P van Osch from LUMC, Leiden. My research focuses on the development of MRI techniques to establish vascular fingerprinting of gliomas.


Hi! I’m Bárbara, a 3rd year PhD student at the Gorter Center for High Field MRI at the Leiden University Medical Center, in the Netherlands. My research has mainly been about ultra high field MR imaging of gliomas, primarily exploring the role of metabolic imaging markers.

At GliMR I’m mostly involved in sharing our news through our social media channels. Now I’m also helping organizing our first webinar. 

Hamail Ayaz is currently carrying out his Ph.D. research in the Faculty of Engineering at IT Sligo in collaboration with GMIT, Sligo University Hospital, Connolly Hospital, and Adnan Menderes University, Turkey with the project titled “Deep Learning for early diagnosis and classification of Tumors from radiographic images”. Hamail’s areas of expertise include Image Processing, Computer Vision, AI, Biomedical Imaging, Data analysis, and Machine, and Deep learning.

Irène Brumer is currently working at the Chair in Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Universität Heidelberg. Irène does research in Medical Physics and more precisely in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Her current project focuses on perfusion MRI using arterial spin labeling for brain and kidney imaging.

I’m Yulun, a PhD student from Applied Physiological Neuroimaging group at Erasmus MC. I’m from physics background and currently working on development of CEST MRI, to in vivo map molecular biomarkers in adult diffuse glioma.

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