Message from the Chair
The first Grant Period of our COST Action Glioma MR Imaging 2.0 has drawn to a close. We can look back at a great start. Despite the Corona pandemic, which did indeed led to a very different end to our first Grant Period than was intended, many goals were achieved. Additionally, the website, newsletter, and social media accounts were launched – online tools that are more important than ever in creating and fostering our international community.
Planning of the coming grant period, which runs from May 2020 to April 2021, in the current situation is all but easy. However, we are working on ensuring that, also in these trying times, GliMR will succeed in bringing glioma researchers across Europe together.
In the meantime, we hope that all of you keep on participating in GliMR. Keep on working on those review papers, keep engaging with us via social media , and if you have any suggestions of (online) events to be organised do not hesitate to get in touch with your working group / WG5 / the leadership to see what can be arranged.
Keep safe and carry on with glioma research!
Best wishes,
Esther Warnert