This was our 4th GliMR Annual Meeting 2023

This was our 4th GliMR Annual Meeting 2023


In May, we held our 4th GliMR Annual Meeting ‘Past, Present, and Future’ meeting in Porto. MR in glioma, AI, patient involvement, GliMR projects, funding tips, speed dating, and of course our amazing treasure hunt! Relive the meeting here!

And the winner is…

Barbara CassoneIntrinsic functional connectivity fingerprinting reveals more heterogeneous network organization in high- than in low-grade glioma patients

I am a PhD student at University of Milano-Bicocca, and I recently finished a research fellowship at Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, in collaboration with the Neurosurgery Unit of Santa Chiara’s hospital. Throughout my research activity and my STSM at MIP lab in Geneva, I analyzed glioma patients’ resting-state fMRI data to extract single-patient fingerprints of functional connectivity (re)organization before tumor resection. Additionally, I explored the association with clinically-relevant biomarkers of cognitive performance. 

Watch her presentation

Our nominees

Philipp LazenTumor Localization in Glioma Patients by 7T MRSI and 3T MRF

During my academic journey, I’ve cultivated a strong passion for MR imaging and spectroscopy. My current research focuses on advancing MR spectroscopic imaging in the brain and involves studies with both healthy volunteers and patients with various neuropathologies, including gliomas.

Watch his presentation

Anne AndresenAutomatic delineation of organ at risk in brain cancer patients with transformers

Anne is a biomedical engineer and PhD student at the Aarhus University, Denmark. Her research focuses on deep learning approaches for glioma imaging data.

Relive our presentations

WelcomeEsther Warnert (NL)PDFVideo
The history of glioma imagingElke Hattingen (DE)PDFVideo
State of the art glioma imaging in 2023Rui Duarte (PT)PDFVideo
The future of glioma imaging – promising techniques of tomorrowMarion Smits (NL)PDFVideo
Spot the glioma! Imaging quiz with a differential diagnosisVera Keil (NL)PDFVideo
History of glioma models “From cell lines to tumors”Harish Poptani (UK)PDFVideo
Preclinical: glioma-neuron communication and GBM progressionVarun Venkataramani (DE)PDFVideo
Preclinical: genetically engineered models of human GBM and novel treatmentsOlaf van Tellingen (NL)PDFVideo
Preclinical: GBM metabolism and treatment-response monitoring in vivoCarles Arús (ES)PDFVideo
AI in clinical settinghttps://youtu.be/AmVCFCjnHdgRoelant Eijgelaar (NL)PDFVideo
Horizon Europe – Health Cluster – what is behind each topicIsabel Carvalho-Oliveira (PT)PDFVideo
Funding the Future: Mastering the Art of Writing Winning ProposalsPeter Gordebeke (EIBIR, AT)PDFVideo
Writing the impact of grantRaquel Almeida, Douglas Thompson (PT)PDFVideo
Scientific abstracts
Peritumoral glutamate and glutamine in diffuse gliomas detected by 7T MRSIGilbert HangelVideo
Predicting glioma tumor progression and their relationship with proliferationElies Fuster GarciaVideo
LDL-like nanoparticles for CAR-T-based glioblastoma immunotherapyPablo Hervella LorenzoVideo
Metabolic Imaging of Neuro Tumors (MINT)-TrialNarjes AhmadianVideo
Hitting the mark: Advanced MRI for precision radiotherapy of glioblastoma.Patrick TangVideo
Tumor Localization in Glioma Patients by 7T MRSI and 3T MRFPhilipp LazenVideo
Mapping executive function in the frontal cortex and within large-scale cognitive circuits in glioma patients: combined ECOG-fMRI evidenceYaara ErezVideo
Ehancing precision neurosurgery with cerebrovascular reactivity and vascular lag mapping in glioma patients using multi-echo fMRI with breath-holdsCristina ComellaVideo
Mapping radiation-induced plasticity in glioblastoma: from fundamental to therapeutic opportunitiesLou van EupenVideo
The adjuvant effect of Tonabersat in the standard of care for glioblastoma, examined in the F98 glioblastoma rat modelVivi ZotevaVideo
Software Tool for Mapping of Glioma HeterogeneityTomas HolecekVideo
Compensation of language function in patients with diffuse low grade gliomas evidenced by functional and structural reorganizationLucia Manso OrtegaVideo
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion MRI in post-therapeutic Glioblastoma evaluationNuno AdubeiroVideo
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for glioma classification and tissues characterization: a pilot studyGiulia DebiasiVideo

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