On behalf of the (new) Webinar Team, we would like to invite GLiMR members and all interested peers to let us know their opinions on planned Webinar content.
Broadly, the plan is to offer ‘clinical need’ and/or ‘technical progress’ oriented scientific sessions in a format that buddies up scientist and clinical speakers to enhance understanding and communication across disciplines.
Each GliMR Webinar would aim to showcase key challenges and next steps in the context of current evidence, with an informal development plan and a group discussion.
The Webinar Team here asks everyone to share into the process by generating the best Webinar topics! Please help by emailing WG5 (glimr.cost.wg5@gmail.com) with the following:
1. Your profession and research interest.
2. What Webinar topic(s) would you most like to hear about? This could be any clinical scenario, modality, analysis method or logistic item.
3. What are key unresolved questions, hurdles, dilemmas in your current research and/or clinical practice?
4. Name one or more future milestone in glioma research and/or clinical care.
Thanks very much in advance for your interest.
GLiMR Webinars will be advertised on the main website and via the next Annual Meeting.