In the first edition of Researchers of the Month, two GliMR-stars of the core group are presented: Prof. dr. Yelda Ozsunar and Prof. dr. Patrícia Figueiredo.

Prof. dr. Yelda Ozsunar
Yelda, our STSM coordinator, is Neuroradiologist and currently doing research at the Dep. of Radiology, in the Aydin Adnan Menderes University.
She focuses on diagnostic imaging for functional imaging of the brain, including perfusion and diffusion imaging. She published the ‘Atlas of Clinical Cases on Brain Tumor Imaging‘, which will be released during ECR.
Additionally, she published a book and a music album, ‘Universal Symphony’, explaining the effect of electromagnetic waves and sound on our perception with current literature, poems, stories and music. She tries to express her ideas and senses about ‘How does neuroscience look through the lens of a woman scientist’.

Prof. dr. Patrícia Figueiredo
Patricia is GliMR’s ITC Conference Grant Coordinator. She is an Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.
She is currently working in the fields of Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physics, Neuroimaging, MRI and Neuroscience, with current projects in ‘Imaging cerebrovascular physiology by functional MRI’ and ‘Imaging dynamic brain networks by EEG and fMRI’.