GliMR Hybrid Networking Event

GliMR Hybrid Networking Event


As a COST Action we are continuously looking for ways to connect all of you to advance MRI diagnostics for glioma. Therefore, GliMR organises the very first GliMR Hybrid Networking Event on September 28, 2021. This event will take place in Brno (Czech Republic), but also virtually. On this day, 5 hybrid sessions will be held, followed by the MC business meeting.

Registration information

Attending the Hybrid Networking Event is free of charge for all members, stakeholders, and interested third parties. However, registration is required. Note that registration is free, but we do ask you to only register if you plan to attend the meeting as places are limited.

Due to current COVID-uncertainties, GliMR advises you to book transport ONLY in case this includes a 100% cancellation policy. GliMR cannot reimburse any cancellation-related expenses. If a 100% cancelation policy is not possible, wait for further communication. GliMR will arrange accommodation, about which more information will follow soon. In case you are registered to join on-site AND encounter difficulties regarding traveling, please get in touch via glimr.cost.wg5@gmail.com.

Register before September 9, 2021 to join ON-SITE, using this link.

Register before September 23, 2021 to join VIRTUALLY, using this link.

Program at-a-glance

Find the full program here!

Time (CET)Topic
09.00h – 09.10hOpening
09.10h – 10.30hGliMR Webinar
10.30h – 10.50hCoffee break
10.50h – 11.50hHow to segment tumors in clinical practice
11.50h – 13.20hLunch
13.20h – 14.50hBrain imaging data structure (BIDS)
14.50h – 15.40hGDPR animation video – dissemination brainstorm
15.40h – 16.00hCoffee break
16.00h – 16.45hGLINDER
16.45h – 18.00hGeneral discussion

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