The future of GliMR

The future of GliMR


A letter from our Chair

Dear GliMR Member, 

We are very happy that we are now able to structure our GliMR working group of the ESMRMB. It is a time of transition for us as GliMR, where we are moving away (a little) from the structure that was required for COST funding to a structure with fitting activities for the ESMRMB. We take the opportunity of not having strict guidelines from the ESMRMB on how our working group needs to be structured to set up the GliMR WG such that it caters to your needs. 

A summary of the brainstorm session that we had is that we would like to structure the working group with several task forces that each focus on GliMR specific goals. In addition, there will be a rotating leadership of at minimum including a chair, vice-chair, secretary, and trainee representative. 

The first potential task forces working towards improved brain tumour imaging diagnostics that emerged from the brainstorm session are (in no particular order):

  • Task force on advanced MRI
  • Task force on education
  • Task force for networking 
  • Task force on clinical implementation
  • Task force on preclinical MRI
  • Task force on data sharing / Open science
  • Task force on dissemination (?)

Next steps

In the next few months, we will organize a brainstorm for all interested GliMR member. If you are interested in joining this brainstorm, or if you cannot join but have ideas on the structure and goals of GliMR, please get in touch!

Note that after the following brainstorm session, each task force will be asked to come up with a (short) roadmap with activities planned for the task force, as well as put a volunteer forward to help organise GliMR’s next annual meeting during the annual meeting of the ESMRMB in October 2025 in Marseille. 

Looking forward to a very fruitful GliMR 3.0! 

Best wishes,

Recent News

A letter from our Chair Dear GliMR Member,  We are very happy that we are now able to structure our GliMR working group of the ESMRMB. It is a time of transition for us as GliMR, where we are...